Wednesday 1 June 2016

Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (IELTS)

Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is clinically diagnosed as an anxiety disorder and affects up tp 4 percent of adults and children. People who suffer from this debilitating disorder have distressing and obsessive thoughts, which usually cause them to perform repetitive behaviours such as counting silently or washing their hands. Though OCD sufferers understand that their obsessions are unrealistic, they find it stressful to put these intrusive thoughts out of their minds. Those who suffer form Obsessive-compulsive disorder develop strict behavioural patterns that become extremely time-consuming abd begin to interfere with daily routines. Many people with OCD delay seeking treatment because they are ashamed of their own thoughts and behaviour.
OCD sufferers experience worries that are both unreasonable and excessive and that act as a constant source of internal stress. Fear of dirt and contamination are very common obsessive thoughts. The obsession with orderliness and symmetry is also common. In other cases, persistent thoughts are centered on doubts, such as whether or not a door is locked or a stove is turned off. Impulses, such as the urge to swear in public or to pull a fire alarm, are other types of OCD symptoms. In order to be diagnosed with OCD, a sufferer must exhibit obsessions and/or compulsions that take up a considerable amount of time (at least one hour per day)
To combat excessive thoughts and impulses, most OCD sufferers perform certain repetitive rituals that they believe will relieve their anxiety. These compulsions can be either mental or behavioural in nature. Common rituals include excessive checking, washing, counting, and praying. Over time, OCD sufferers attach strict rules to their compulsions. For example, a woman who is obsessed with cleanliness might wash their hands three times before having a meal in order to get the thought of the dirty dishes or silverware out of her mind. However, in many cases, the compulsions aren’t related to the obsession at all. A man obsessed with the image of dead animals might count silently up to 500 or touch a specific chair over and over in order to block the images. Holding onto objects that would normally be discarded, such as newspapers and empty containers, is another common compulsion.
OCD symptoms generally begin between the age of 10and 24 and continue indefinitely until a person seeks treatment. A child’s upbringing does not seem t be part of the curse of the disorder, though stress can make the symptoms stronger. The underlying causes of OCD have been  researched greatly and point to a number of different genetic factors. While studies show that OCD and its related anxiety disorders are often passed down through families, the specific symptoms for each family member are rarely the same. For example, a mother who is obsessed with order may have a son who can’t stop thinking about a single word or number.
Research on OCD sufferers has found certain physiological trends. In particular, many studies show an overactivity of blood circulation in certain areas of the brain. As a result of this increase in blood flow, the serotoninergic system, which regulates emotions, is unable to function effectively. Studies have also shown that OCD sufferers have less serotonin than the average person. This type of abnormality is also observed in Tourette syndrome and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. People who developed tics as children are found to be more susceptible to OCD as well. Many reports of OCD point to infections that can trigger the disorder, namely streptococcal infections. It is believed that a case of childhood strep throat can elicit a response from the immune system that produces certain neuropsychiatric disorders, such as OCD.
Because OCD sufferers tend to be so secretive about their symptoms, they often put off treatment for many years. The average OCD sufferer waits about 17 years before receiving medical attention. As with many anxiety disorders, early diagnosis and proper medication can lessen many of the symptoms and allow people to live fairly normal lives. Most treatment plans for OCD involve a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Both cognitive and behavioural therapies are used to teach patients about their disorder and work through the anxiety. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors are prescribed to increase the brain’s concentration of serotonin. This medication successfully reduces the symptoms in many OCD sufferers in a short amount of time. For cases when OCD is linked to streptococcal infection, antibiotic therapy is sometimes all that is needed.

Complete the summary of the reading passage above.
Choose your own answers from the box and write them in boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet. There are more words than spaces so you will not use them all     
checking          doctor              upbringing       inherited          reduce              cause  
treatment          throw away      unreasonable   obsession         control             compulsive
diagnosis          counting

People who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder have ______(1) thoughts, doubts, and fears that they cannot _____ (2)OCD sufferers develop certain ways of acting in order to _______(3) their fears. For example, being afraid of dirt is a common ______(4) which may lead to excessive hand washing. Or, an OCD sufferer who worries about a locked door may engage in excessive _____(5). Some OCD sufferers keep things that other people would ____(6). Research shows that OCD may be a disorder that it _____(7) though members of the same symptoms. It is also possible that certain infections may ______(8) the disorders.

Do the following statements agree with the reading passage?
TRUE              If the statement is true according to the passage
FALSE                        If the statement contradicts the passage
NOT GIVEN  If there is no information in the passage

9.        OCD often results from the way a child is raised.
10.    Stress can have an effect on OCD
11.    OCD sufferers are deficient in serotonin.
12.    Obsessive-compulsive disorder usually begins after the age of 17.
13.    Many OCD patients prefer psychotherapy to medication.
14.    OCD is very difficult to treat.
15.    Many OCD sufferers keep their problem a secret.
16.    Antibiotics can be to treat OCD.

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