Wednesday 10 June 2020

Agreement, disagreement and compromise CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH VOCABULARY IN USE ADVANCED

Agreement, disagreement and compromise

Agreement: sharing views

verb + preposition
Her complaints tally with the comments we have received from other people.
match or agree with
His opinion concurs with the general opinion of the experts on this matter.
share/agree with an idea/opinion
The President found herself in full accord with the opposition.
be in complete agreement with
Your views coincide with mine on the question of crime and punishment.
.be the same as
His behaviour doesn’t conform to the school’s expectations.
fit in with
My parents approve of my choice of profession and support me fully.
think something is right or good

The noun from approve is approval; an action can meet with someone’s approval. [be liked by that person]
Note the expression to agree to differ, which is used when people continue to hold different opinions but see no point in continuing to argue about them: We couldn’t reach a consensus at the meeting, so we just agreed to differ.
Political and social disagreement

There is dissent in the party on the issue.
opposition to the accepted way of thinking
The general discord between the committee members had a negative impact on the club.
lack of agreement or harmony (suggests arguments and rows)
The growing rift in the Democratic Party over defence policy is now public.
disagreement (with different groups/factions forming)
A major split in the Labour Party resulted in several ministers taking the decision to form a new party of their own.
when a larger group breaks up into two or more smaller groups because they disagree about something
There is (a) major division in the Socialist Party over economic policy.
similar to split but more abstract and formal (can be countable or uncountable)
Government plans to build a new airport in this area are bound to cause controversy.
a lot of disagreement about a subject, usually
because it affects a lot of people

The two sides have reached a compromise over the plan to build the new road across a nature reserve.
The Minister was not prepared to compromise on the issue of raising university fees.
The government made several concessions to the protesters. [accepted some of the demands of]
The management and the union reached a settlement and the strike ended. [reached a decision/agreement]
In this particular case, we should exercise some discretion and not say anything that would cause more conflict. [be sensitive, use our judgement]


Add the prepositions which normally accompany the verbs to the table. Then use these expressions to fill the gaps in the sentences below. Use each item once only.






(be in) accord


1 The list of principles _____________ to the normal idea of what a set of rules should be trying to achieve.
2 My views _____________ completely with yours. We think on exactly the same lines.
3 This plan is in _____________ with the proposal made by the committee in 2011.
4 Her latest statement simply does not _____________ with her earlier ones. She is contradicting herself.
5 I _____________ of all the changes suggested, and hope they can be made to work.
6 For once all the committee members _____________ with one another.
7 Even though I disagree, I’m willing to _____________ on your proposal to increase our expenditure.
Match these newspaper headlines with the most suitable extract below.
Rewrite the sentences using a noun from the same root as the underlined word. Make any other changes necessary.

1 The President conceded that the opposition party should be allowed a place on the committee.
2 I think you should always be as discreet as possible when it is a question of people’s private lives.
3 The landowners settled their dispute with the authorities over the proposed factory site.
4 The negotiating team were able to compromise and put an end to the labour dispute.
5 The decision to close the railway line has proved very controversial.
6 There are a number of dissenting views among the Board members.
7 The forthcoming leadership election has divided the Green Party.
8 Javier’s parents approved of his decision.


1 conforms
2 tally / coincide
3 accord
4 tally / concur
5 approve
6 concur / concurred
7 compromise

1 c 2 e 3 a 4 d 5 b

Suggested answers:
1 The President made a/the concession that the opposition party should be allowed a place on the
2 I think you should always exercise/use as much discretion as possible when it is a question of
people’s private lives.
3 The landowners reached a settlement in their dispute with the authorities over the proposed
factory site.
4 The negotiating team were able to reach a compromise and put an end to the labour dispute.
5 The decision to close the railway line has caused a lot of controversy.
6 There is some dissent among the Board members.
7 The forthcoming leadership election has caused division(s) in/within the Green Party.
8 Javier’s decision met with his parents’ approval.

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