Friday 27 July 2018

FCE Practice Test Plus 1 Test 2 Paper 1 (Reading) Part 3

FCE Practice Test Plus 1
Test 2 Paper 1 (Reading) Part 3

You are going to read a magazine article about a man who works as a diver. Six paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose the most suitable paragraph from the list A-H for each part (15-20). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Professional diver Adam Tranter was thrilled when same friends invited him for a round of golf at an internationally famous course. If he did well, he might be allowed to join the socially prestigious golf club.

Most of the lakes ate only five or six feet deep, but on the bottom it's impossible to see a thing, you just have to feel around in the mud for the balls. Adam has to be very careful too, because you get all sorts of things down there - bottles, cans, all sorts of junk. If he were to cut himself, he could be out of action for weeks.

Unwilling to give up the idea of joining the golf club altogether, Adam hit upon the idea of using his diving skills to make himself useful. He put on his wetsuit, strapped a couple of air tanks to his back, and began retrieving lost balls from the lakes on the course.
Fortunately, Adam's never been in any kind of difficulty. Nonetheless, he always has someone with him, keeping watch just in case. “A golf course can be a fairly lonely place,” he explains. “You can be a long way from help should you ever need it.”


And you can't really blame them because there is something a bit ridiculous about a grown man wandering around a golf course in a rubber suit and goggles, jumping into ponds. But for Adam it's a serious business and, apparently, he's also providing a valuable service to golfers.
Despite all these hazards, Andrew insists that the job is great fun. “I was under a lot of weed a couple of weeks ago and all you could make out from the surface was my air tank. A young guy, searching the banks of the lake for his ball, spotted me and ran to the clubhouse shouting, “There's a monster in the lake!”


Of course, Adam does also come across less distinguished balls and plenty that look a bit knocked-about. These also have a price, however, he cleans them up and sells them at second-hand sales and to other less prestigious golf clubs.
Luckily, nobody at the club has complained about Adam's activities, however, and one suspects that given his notoriety in the golfing world, his membership is now secure.

He makes a good living out of it too. Adam can collect anything from 1,000 to 2,000 balls during a day's diving. A lot of them are good quality with hardly a mark on them and can be sold to professional golfing shops, which in tum sell them back to golfers.
Another such danger is weed. The water in the lakes tends to be stagnant and so plant matter tends to build up very quickly. A diver can easily get tangled up, therefore. Adam is well aware of the danger and, as a professional, knows better than to take unnecessary chances.
Another thing to look out for is golf balls themselves. “1 usually dive while play is going on and quite often I can be in a lake when balls are landing in it,” says Adam. “Getting hit by one of those things would be nobody's idea of a joke.”
Bur Adam wouldn't want us to get the impression that it's easy money. “I don’t want kids thinking that they can earn extra pocket money by doing this,” he insists. “It is dangerous, dirty, cold and smelly.”
Apart from that, Adam has few regrets about his decision. Indeed, he has become more involved in the world of golf than he bargained for.
On another occasion, when he was covered in weed, he surfaced just behind same poor unsuspecting golfer and yelled “Boo!” The poor man apparently went very white and no one has seen him at the golf club since.
As a result, Adam has become something of a celebrity on the golf courses of southern England - as a frogman. “When I tell people what I do, they just fall about laughing,” he says.
It didn't take him long to realise, however, that although he was a natural in the water, he was quite out of his depth on the green. He had no future as a golfer.


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