Tuesday 11 December 2018

Birth, marriage and death (2) ENGLISH VOCABULARY IN USE (ELEMENTARY)

Birth, marriage and death (2)

Anna had a baby yesterday.
He was born at 1.15 yesterday morning.
He weighed 3 kilograms.

They are going to call him John – after John, his grandfather. His grandfather’s birthday is June.
16th too – but he was born in 1957!
The baby’s parents were born in 1986.

Common mistakes
Anna had a baby [NOT Anna got a baby].
He/ She was born [NOT He/ She born or He/ She is born].
If you do not have a partner, you are single.                                                                   
If you have a husband or wife, you are married.
If your husband or wife dies, you are widowed.
If your marriage breaks up, you are separated / divorced.
[the marriage has legally ended]

Harry and Sarah got married.
They (got) married in 2001.
(married without got is more formal)
They went on their honeymoon to Italy.
They were married for 15 years.

Common mistakes
Sarah got married to Harry [NOT with Harry].

Then Harry became ill.
He died last year.
He died of a heart attack

Common mistakes
Harry is dead [NOT Harry is died or Harry is death].


Think of people you know. Where were they born? When?
1. My mother was born in Scotland on July 4th 1967.
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________
Find a word on the opposite page which means …
1. the name for a woman on her wedding day. bride
2. the name for a man on his wedding day
3. what you are if you haven’t got a partner
4. tobe 57 kilograms
5. what you are if your marriage has legally ended.
6. a religious service for a dead person.
7. a holiday after a wedding.
8. what you are if your husband or wife dies.
Complete the sentences with words from the box.
in   after   of   to   born  on

1 ______in_______ 2003 Anne got married 2 _____________ Daniel Smith. Unfortunately, Daniel’s grandmother,LydiaSmith,died 3 _____________ old age soon after their wedding. Daniel and Anne were 4 _____________ their honeymoon when she died. Anne’s baby daughter was 5 _____________ two years later. They called the baby Lydia, 6 _____________ Daniel’s grandmother.
When were these people born and when did they die? Write sentences.
1. Genghis Khan (1162–1227) Genghis Khan was born in 1162 and died in 1227.
2. Christopher Columbus (1451–1506)
3. Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)
4. Princess Diana (1961–1997)
5. Heath Ledger (1979–2008)
Complete the sentences using died, dead or death.
1. Kelly’s grandfather ______died_______ last year.
2. His ___________ made her very sad.
3. Her grandmother has been ___________ for five years now.
4. She ___________ of a heart attack.
5. Now all Kelly’s grandparents are ___________ .
Write about your family. Use words and expressions from the opposite page.
Here are some ideas for making your sentences.

I have ___________. I/my ___________ got married in ___________  (year). For my/his/her honeymoon, I/he/she went to ___________

I have / My ___________ has children. They were born ___________ in and ___________  (years).


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