Monday 6 January 2020

57. Verb + ing or to … 2 (try/ need/ help) ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE FOR INTERMEDIATE

57. Verb + ing or to … 2 (try/ need/ help)

Try to ... and try-ing

Try to do= attempt to do, make an effort to do:
·         I was very tired. I tried to keep my eyes open, but I couldn't.
·         Please try to be quiet when you come home. Everyone will be asleep.

Try also means 'do something as an experiment or test'. For example:
·         These cakes are delicious. You should try one.
(=you should have one to see if you like it)
·         We couldn't find anywhere to stay. We tried every hotel in the town, but they were all full.
(=we went to every hotel to see if they had a room)

If try (with this meaning) is followed by a verb, we say try -ing:
·         A: The photocopier doesn't seem to be working.
B: Try pressing the green button. (=press the green button- perhaps this will help to solve the problem)

·         I tried to move the table, but it was too heavy. (so I couldn't move it)
·         I didn't like the way the furniture was arranged, so I tried moving the table to the other side of the room. But it didn't look right, so I moved it back again.
Need to ... and need –ing

I need to do something= it is necessary for me to do it:
·         I need to get more exercise.
·         He needs to work harder if he wants to make progress.
·         I don't need to come to the meeting, do I?

Something needs doing= it needs to be done:
·         My phone needs charging. (=it needs to be charged)
·         Do you think this jacket needs cleaning? (= … needs to be cleaned)
·         It's a difficult problem. it needs thinking about very carefully. (= it needs to be thought about)
Help and can't help

You can say help to do or help do (with or without to):
·         Everybody helped to clean up after the party. Or Everybody helped clean up ...
·         Can you help me to move this table? or     Can you help me move ...

I can't help doing something = I can't stop myself doing it:
·         I don't like him, but he has a lot of problems. I can't help feeling sorry for him.
·         She tried to be serious, but she couldn't help laughing. (=she couldn't stop herself laughing)
·         I'm sorry I'm so nervous. I can't help it. (= I can't help being nervous)

Make suggestions. Use try+ one of the following:

phone his office
restart it
change the batteries
turn it the other way
take an aspirin

The radio isn't working.
Have you ____tried changing the batteries? _______
I can't open the door. The key won't turn.
Try _____________________________________
The computer isn't working properly.
Have you tried ________________________________
Fred isn't answering his phone. What shall I do?
You could _______________________________________
I've got a terrible headache. I wish it would go.
Have you ______________________________________
For each picture, write a sentence with need{s) +one of the following verbs:

clean        cut      empty      paint      tighten

This jacket is dirty. _____It needs cleaning.______________
The room isn't very nice. It  ________________________________________
The grass is very long. ________________________________________
The screws are loose. ________________________________________
The bin is full. ________________________________________
Put the verb into the correct form.

a.     I was very tired. I tried ____ to keep ____ (keep) my eyes open, but I couldn't.
b.     I rang the doorbell, but there was no answer. Then I tried ______ (knock) on the door, but there was still no answer.
c.     We tried ________ (put) the fire out but without success. We had to call the fire brigade.
d.     Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried __________ (ask) Gary, but he was short of money too.
e.     I tried ___________ (reach) the shelf, but I wasn't tall enough.
f.      Please leave me alone. I'm trying ________ (concentrate).
a.     I need a change. I need ___________ (go) away for a while.
b.     My grandmother isn't able to look after herself any more. She needs _________ (look) after.
c.     The windows are dirty. They need ___________ (clean).
d.     Your hair is getting very long. It needs ___________ (cut).
e.     You don't need _______ (iron) that shirt. It doesn't need ____________ (iron).
a.     They were talking very loudly. I couldn't help ________ (overhear) what they said.
b.     Can you help me _______ (get) the dinner ready?
c.     He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can't help ________ (smile).
d.     The fine weather helped ___________ (make) it a really nice holiday.


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