Sunday 5 August 2018


CliffsTestPrep TOEFL CBT

Directions: This section measures your ability to read and understand written English similar
to that which one may expect in a college or university setting. Read each passage and answer
the questions based onwhat is stated or implied in the passage. Circle or mark the correct answer in the book or write it on a separate piece of paper.
Passage 4
Diabetes Mellitus is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism resulting from insufficient production of insulin or reduced sensitivity to insulin. A polypeptide hormone, insulin is synthesized in the pancreas and is necessary for normal utilization of glucose by most cells in the body. People with diabetes suffer an inhibition in the normal ability of body cells to use glucose, which results in increased blood sugar levels. As more glucose accumulates in the blood, excess levels of sugar are excreted in the urine.
There are two varieties of the disease, Type 1 and Type 2. The two types were previously designated by Roman numerals, but now Arabic numerals are used; for example, Type II is now known as Type 2. Type 1 was formerly referred to as juvenile onset diabetes, but it can occur at any age. In Type 1 diabetes, insulin is not secreted by the pancreas, so it must be injected. This type of diabetes is most often seen in people whose parents, siblings, or other close relatives are affected by the disease.
Type 2, representing 90 percent of all diabetes, used to be called adult onset diabetes, but it can also occur at any age. It results from sluggish pancreatic insulin secretion and tissue resistance to secreted insulin, which is complicated by subtle changes in the secretion of insulin by the beta cells. It is generally controlled by dietary restriction. People who are at risk for this type include: women who have delivered a baby of 9 pounds or more or have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes; people over 45 years of age, particularly those of African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic, Native American, or Pacific Islander heritage; those who have a history of diabetes in the family; those who are obese; and those with high blood pressure, a high triglyceride level, or high blood sugar.
A person affected with diabetes may have no symptoms at all. Or, he or she may experience one or more of the following common symptoms: fatigue; increased urination and thirst; hunger; blurred vision; weight loss; repeated infections of the skin, genitals, or feet; or itching and dizziness. The diagnosis is reached by testing the blood sugar. If the blood sugar is over 126 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) after an 8-hour overnight fast, or over 200 mg/dl at other times of the day, the patient is diagnosed as having the disease.
Diabetes is a formidable illness that can result in serious complications, including heart attack, blindness, kidney failure, and loss of circulation to the lower extremities (feet and legs). This loss of circulation can lead to amputation of the affected areas. Prior to the isolation of insulin in the 1920s, rapid death was common among diabetes sufferers. Now, the illness can be managed and those affected can lead a long, fairly normal life with proper medical attention and proper attention to personal care. Patients should follow nutrition plans designed to help them reach and maintain normal body weight and to limit their intake of carbohydrates and fats. They should also exercise regularly, which enhances the movement of glucose into muscle cells and inhibits the increase in glucose in the blood.
Insulin is
A.    a hormone.
B.    a drug.
C.    a disease.
D.    an organ.
The word obese in the last sentence of
paragraph three means most nearly the
same as
A.    severely overweight.
B.    diabetic.
C.    suffering from high blood pressure.
D.    active.
The word excreted in the last sentence
of paragraph one means most nearly the same as
A.       eliminated.
B.       ingested.
C.       utilized.
D.       inserted.
What is a suitable title for this passage?
A.       Treatment of Diabetes
B.       An Overview of Diabetes
C.       Juvenile Diabetes — a Killer
D.       How to Diagnose Diabetes
The word previously in the second
paragraph means most nearly the
same as
A.       occur
B.       formerly
C.       designated
D.       used
The author distinguishes between Type
1 and Type 2 diabetes to describe how
A.       one affects only juveniles and the other affects only adults.
B.       the symptoms and treatment are different.
C.       the two types are extremely similar to each other.
D.       the understanding of the disease
has improved over time.
The word it in the fourth sentence of
paragraph two refers to
A.       Insulin
B.       Type 1 diabetes.
C.       Type 2 diabetes.
D.       pancreas.
All of the following are correct except
A.       Type 2 diabetes is much more common than Type 1.
B.       both types of diabetes are hereditary to some extent.
C.       Type 2 results from a lack of secretion of insulin.
D.       diabetes is treatable.
According to the passage, insulin is
A.       in the pancreas.
B.       in tissue.
C.       in hormones.
D.       in glucose.
 It can be inferred from the passage that
A.     amputation is the most common treatment for diabetes.
B.     Type 1 sufferers are generally not overweight.
C.     the symptoms of diabetes are always severe.
D.    too much insulin is secreted in Type 1 diabetes.
The word sluggish in the third
paragraph means most nearly the
same as
A.       accelerated.
B.       excreted.
C.       normal.
D.       slow.

a hormone. The second sentence of paragraph one states: A polypeptide
hormone, insulin is synthesized . . . . The sentence begins with an appositive,
and the phrase following it refers to the same subject.
eliminated. This means that sugar leaves the body through the urine.
formerly. Previously and formerly mean the same thing.
in the pancreas. The passage states that the pancreas is the site of insulin
severely overweight.
An Overview of Diabetes. The other answers are too particular, whereas
the article is general in nature.
the symptoms and treatment are different. The other answer choices do not
show why the author makes a distinction between the two types.
Type 2 results from a lack of secretion of insulin. This is not a correct
statement because that is the description of Type 1 diabetes. The passage
states that Type 2 results from sluggish . . . insulin secretion, not a lack of
Type 1 sufferers are generally not overweight. The passage indicates that
Type 2 sufferers are often obese, but it does not mention obesity in regard to
Type 1 patients.


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