Saturday 4 August 2018

FCE Practice Test Plus 1 Test 3 Paper 1 (Reading) Part 2

FCE Practice Test Plus 1
Test 3 Paper 1 (Reading) Part 2

You are going to read a magazine article about a young sports person. For Questions 7-14, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Knowing champion that Tom Finch, a junior champion in the relatively new sport of wakeboarding, had won so many competitions, I was more than a little taken aback to see how slight he was. Wakeboarding, you see, involves being pulled along at high speed behind a power boat, rather like in water skiing, then launching yourself into the air to perform a series of complicated tricks, as in skateboarding or snowboarding, Now, that is a feat you'd think required big bones and bulging muscles. But Tom is just 1,44m tall and weighs 38 kilos
“I hurt my forearms at first, but now I guess I'm used to it,” Tom told me. At 14 years old, Tom has been practising the sport for just two years, but has already found competing in his age group almost too easy. He didn’t say that, of course. Maybe because he didn't want to seem big-headed, especially with his Dad sitting just a few metres away, or maybe because he just doesn't think it’s important. “I wakeboard because it’s fun,” he told me with a smile, “and scary!”
He knows he's good though and one look at his results confirms That this is justified. Yet when Tom started, the organisers tried to persuade him not to enter his first competition, thinking he'd be upset when he came last. Tom won by a mile and silenced them all. So, what makes him so good? Perhaps putting on a wetsuit, whatever the weather, and practising for at least two hours everyday. For that is what Tom does. He also buys and studies every new wakeboarding video and spends hours working on every new trick, finding new ways to twist and turn his small body.
He's also not afraid to take advice from people better than him. “I wouldn’t be where I am without my trainer,” Tom says. “It takes so much longer to learn without him; he can spot what I'm doing wrong in a second and put me right. He gives me lots of tips on some of the real technical details too.”
Although the sport is still relatively unknown compared to surfing and snowboarding. Which everyone's heard of. Tom reckons it’s on the up. “Everyone at school is well aware of it, trying it and loving it,” he says. He's not wrong either. Even on the rainy, windy day that I met him, there's a queue of eager bodies in wetsuits getting into the freezing water at the watersports centre near London where Tom trains.
It will take a few years until the overall standard reaches that of the USA though. Tom told me that everything is twice as fast, twice as big there, which makes it really scary and dangerous. Tom knows no fear though and wants one day to be a professional. He might only be 1,44m tall, but let’s not forget that the professionals were all fourteen-year olds at one time too.
What surprised the writer most on first meeting Tom Finch?
A.       his height
B.       his strength
C.       his skilfulness
D.       his bravery
When asked about his success in competitions, Tom appeared to be
A.            embarrassed.
B.            proud.
C.            modest.
D.           nervous.
When Tom started entering competitions, people thought
A.            he had not been trained.
B.            he might hurt himself.
C.            he was below the age limit.
D.           he would be disappointed.
What does “that” in line 42 refer to?
A.             studying hard
B.             practising daily
C.             buying videos
D.            working on new tricks
Tom is particularly grateful when his trainer
A.            points out his mistakes.
B.            makes him wark hard.
C.            stops him being afraid.
D.           spends long hours with him.
What does Tom mean by the phrase “on the up” in line 59?
A.            becoming better understood
B.            getting more practice
C.            getting easier for people
D.           becoming more popular
In the future, Tom hopes to
A.             train others in his sport.
B.             go and live in the USA.
C.             get over his remaining fears.
D.            make the sport his career.
In general, what does the writer think of Tom?
A.            He's very determined.
B.            He's easily persuaded.
C.            He's overconfident.
D.           He's underachieving.

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