Monday 8 April 2019

NATURE AND THE ENVIRONMENT Check your vocabulary for TOEFL

Check your vocabulary for TOEFL

Exercise 1
Replace the words and expressions in bold in sentences 1 – 15 with one of those from the box. You will not need all of the words and expressions from the box.

acid rain        activists         animal rights         battery farming          biodegradable packaging          biodiversity         biofuels       breeding          (in) captivity        CFC gases          climate change          conservation                     conservation program          conserve            contaminated         deforestation        degradation             desertification       eco-friendly     ecological      ecology       ecosystem         emissions         endangered species
     environmentalists      environmentally friendly        erosion         extinct          fossil fuels        fumes              genetically modified       global warming        green belt           greenhouse effect         greenhouse gases                 intensive farming         natural behavior             natural resources           organic            organic farming                     ozone-friendly          ozone layer          poaching             pollute          (air) pollution            rare breeds              rainforest     recycle         recycling          renewable / sustainable energy         research         solar power         tidal energy               toxic waste         unleaded gas         wildlife management

In some countries, building is restricted or completely banned in the area of farmland or woods and parks which surround a community.
More and more companies are using boxes, cartons, and cans which can easily be decomposed by organisms such as bacteria, or by sunlight, sea, water, etc., for their products.
The burning of some fuels creates carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and methane which rise into the atmosphere.
Farmers have cleared acres of thick wooded land in tropical regions where the precipitation is very high to provide pasture for their cattle.
Planting trees and bushes can provide some protection from the gradual wearing away of soil.
We should all try to process waste material so that it can be used again.
Many shops now sell fruit and vegetables which are cultivated naturally, without using any chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
This bread is made from wheat which has been altered at a molecular level so as to change certain characteristics which can be inherited.
Most modern cars use fuel which has been made without lead additives.
Polluted precipitation which kills trees often falls a long distance from the source of the pollution.
Human activity has had a devastating effect on the living things, both large and small, in many parts of the word.
The gases and other substances which come from factories using oil, coal, and other fuels which are the remains of plants and animals can cause serious damage to the environment.
Don't drink that water. It's been made dirty by something being added to it.
Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and other people concerned with protecting the environment are holding an international summit in Geneva next month.
The heating up of the earth's atmosphere by pollution is threatening life as we know it.

Exercise 2
Use your dictionary to check the meanings of the other words and expressions in the box.

Exercise 3
Read this essay and complete the gaps with one of the words or expressions from the box in Exercise 1.

“Environmental degradation is a major world problem. What causes this problem, and what can we do to
prevent it?”

There is no doubt that the environment is in trouble. Factories burn (1) _____________ which produce (2) _____________ , and this kills trees. At the same time, (3) _____________ rise into the air and contribute to (4) _____________ which threatens to melt the polar ice cap. Meanwhile farmers clear huge areas of (5) _____________ in places such as the Amazon to produce feeding land for cattle or produce wood for building. Rivers and oceans are so heavily (6) _____________ by industrial waste that it is no longer safe to go swimming. Cars pump out poisonous (7) _____________which we all have to breathe in. (8) _____________ and overfishing are killing off millions of animals, including whales, elephants, and other (9) _____________ In fact, all around us, all living things large and small which comprise our finely balanced (10) _____________ are being systematically destroyed by human greed and thoughtlessness.

There is a lot we can all do, however, to help prevent this. The easiest thing, of course, is to (11) _____________ waste material such as paper and glass so that we can use it again. We should also check that the things we buy from supermarkets are packaged in (12) _____________ which decomposes easily. At the same time, we should make a conscious effort to avoid foods which are (13) _____________ (at least until someone proves that they are safe both for us and for the environment). If you are truly committed to protecting the environment, of course, you should only buy (14) _____________fruit and vegetables, safe in the knowledge that they have been naturally cultivated. Finally, of course, we should buy a small car that uses (15) _____________ which is less harmful to the environment or, even better, make more use of public transportation.

The serious (16) _____________, however, do much more. They are aware of the global issues involved and will actively involve themselves in (17) _____________ by making sure our forests are kept safe for future generations. They will oppose activities which are harmful to animals, such as (18) _____________. And they will campaign to keep the (19) _____________ around our towns and cities free from new building.

We cannot all be as committed as them, but we can at least do our own little bit at grass roots level. We, as humans, have inherited the earth, but that doesn't mean we can do whatever we like with it.

Exercise 4
Now try this essay. Use words and expressions from the vocabulary box in Exercise 1, and any other words or expressions that you think would be relevant.

Some people think that the government should spend as much money as possible on protecting the environment. Others think this money should be spent on other things such as education and healthcare. Which one of these opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer..


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