Return on assets
Clara Freeman is an analyst at a large investment bank:
‘We can check the health of the company by looking at investment
ratios: the relationship of one key figure to another. The performance of
different companies in the same industry can also be compared by looking at
the same ratios in each company.
Return on
‘Return on
equity (REO) measures how well a company’s managers are using shareholder’s
equity to invest in activities and resources that generate profit for
shareholders. For example, if in a particular year profit before tax is
£50,000 and the company has shareholders’ equity at hat time of £500,000,
it has ROE in that year of 10 per cent.
‘To get a better return on
equity, companies may borrow in the form of loans and/or bonds. The amount
of a company borrows and the interest it pays on this in relation to its
share capital is leverage1. Income leverage is the amount of
interest a company pays on its borrowing in relation to its operating
profit. This can be expressed as a percentage: for example, a company that
makes £80,000 in operating profit in a particular period and pays £20,000
in interest has leverage of 25 per cent. The relationship can also be expressed
as a ration in terms of interest cover – the number of times it could pay
the interest out of its operating profit – in this case, four times.
Match the
two parts of these sentences containing expressions from A and B opposite.
The weakest part of the
group is the leisure division,
most of which have operated
at well below capacity.
Analysts spend many hours
studying balance sheets,
where return on assets last
year was only 7,6 per cent.
at B and C opposite. Study the figures in the table for a UK company for
year 1. Then complete the table for years 2 and 3.
Look at the
completed information in the table above. Some analysts are saying that in
Year 3 Ajax may be having difficulty paying interest in relation to its
operating profit. Which expression in C opposite do they use to talk about
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