Wednesday 9 December 2020








You can do/study these subjects at university but not always at school.

medicine (to become a doctor)

engineering (to become an engineer)

economics (to become an economist)

business studies (to become a businessman/woman and go into business)

law (to become a lawyer)

architecture (to become an architect)

psychology (to become a psychologist)


Studying at university

Some students go to university because they enjoy studying, others just want a qualification1. First, however, you have to get good grades in your final school exams to get a place at many universities. You can then study for / do a degree2. If you complete the course successfully, you get your degree3 and receive a certificate4. In the UK, most degree courses last5 three years, although some take longer, e.g. medicine or law.

Teachers at university are usually called lecturers, and most of the teaching is done through lectures6. The most senior lecturers have the title Professor. Students doing arts subjects, e.g. English or history, will spend time working in the library and writing essays7. Students doing science degrees, e.g. physics or chemistry, will probably spend a lot of their time working in a laboratory (infml lab).


Postgraduate degrees

When students are doing their first degree, they are called undergraduates. When they complete their degree, they are graduates. Some graduates go on to do [do something in the future] a Master’s, e.g. in the UK an MA (Master of Arts) or MSc (Master of Science). These are called postgraduate degrees. The longest one is a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) where students do research [make a detailed study of one particular subject] for at least three years.



Complete the sentences.

1 To become a psychologist you need to study _______psychology ________.

2 To become an engineer you need to study ______________.

3 To become a doctor you need to study ______________.

4 To become an economist you need to study ______________.

5 To become a lawyer you need to study ______________.

6 To become an architect you need to study ______________.


Put the sentences in the correct order.

I did a degree course.

I passed with good grades.

I got a Master’s.

I did a postgraduate course.

I did my final exams at school.   (1)

I became an undergraduate.

I got a place at university.

I got a degree in business studies.


Are the sentences about English universities true or false? If a sentence is false, correct it.

1 The teachers are all called professors. ______ False. Most teachers are called lecturers.__________

2 Anyone can go to university if they want to. ____________________________

3 Some students go to university just to get a qualification. ____________________________

4 Most university degree courses in the UK last two years. ____________________________

5 Students go to lectures at university. ____________________________

6 If you are unsuccessful, you get a degree. ____________________________

7 Students studying for their first degree are called graduates. ____________________________

8 Science students have to write a lot of essays. ____________________________

9 A PhD is a postgraduate degree. ____________________________

10 If you study arts subjects, you work in a laboratory. ____________________________


Complete the text.

Stephen got very good 1____grades_____  in his final school exams, and he went to university and got

a 2____________ in economics. He then 3____________ to do an MSc. The course 4____________ a year, and at the end of it, he had an offer to go 5____________ business with a friend. After two years though, he decided to go back to university to do 6____________ for a PhD. He knows it will be three years’ work without much money, but he loves studying, and never went to university just for a 7____________ that would get him a good job earning a lot of money.




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