Tuesday 21 April 2020


28. Similar meanings 2: Verbs

Look at the words and expressions in italics, and then rearrange the letters in bold that follow each expression to make a word with the same or a similar meaning in the same context. Use these words to complete the crossword on the next page.

Across ()
(4) Help a customer. ssaits
(9) Agree to do something. nnscoet
(11) Make something clearer. aylrifc
(12) Book a restaurant table. veerres
(13) Control a process or activity. ergateul
(14) Examine information in detail. alseyan
(16) Collect information. tgaehr
(17) Speak to an audience. rsedsad
(24) Choose something. celeste
(26) Produce or make good sales of a product. ereengat
(28) Manage or organise a department. stainierdm
(30) Verify something is true. nmfcori
(33) Examine financial accounts. duita
(34) Give information or instructions to your staff. erbfi
(35) Tell somebody about an event that has happened. taeler (37) Measure the effect of something. nafytqui
(39) Remove something from a sum of money. cdutde
(41) Require somebody to do something. lbioeg
(42) Increase your area of operations. iwned
(43) Take on new staff. mleyop

Down ()
(1) Finish making plans for something. ilifsena
(2) Suggest something without saying it directly. yplim
(3) Ask somebody for advice. ucsotnl
(4) Make a process go faster. aeclrcteae
(5) Deal with a problem. leahdn
(6) Keep something for future use. etrina
(7) Come to an interview. teadnt 
(8) Give or take a message to somebody. ecvyon
(9) Make up for something you have done wrong. pensacteom (10) Reveal information to somebody. esolcsid
(12) Settle an argument or disagreement. veslroe
(15) Replace something with something similar. tetubstsui
(18) Firmly tell somebody your terms and conditions. tadteic
(19) Firmly state your opinion. sraset
(20) Promote a product. tiarseedv
(21) Prevent a strike from taking place. rvate
(22) Use up all your resources. etdeepl
(23) Recover lost money or property. airclem
(25) Approve of a decision. oresend
(27) To not allow smoking in a public place. hpobitir 
(29) Have an effect on someone or something. ncfiunlee 
(31) Give a contract to a company. radwa
(32) Try to do a difficult job. ptetmat
(36) Check facts to see if they are true. scenraiat
(38) Obtain or get information uciraqe
(40) Account for something that has happened. pixlnae

Note that using a word with a similar meaning to another word does not always mean using that word in exactly the same way. For example: you can 'prevent a strike from taking place' or you can 'avert a strike' (not 'avert a strike from taking place'); you can 'suggest something without saying it directly' or you can 'imply something' (not 'imply something without saying it directly'). In these examples, the words at the end are not necessary because their meaning is carried in the main verb. This is one reason why you should always record words in context, and with an example that shows how they are used, so that when you use them yourself, you use them correctly.

Also note that some of these verbs can be used in more than one way. For example, you can convey a message to someone, or you can convey goods from one place to another.


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