Thursday 16 April 2020

Court orders and injunctions CHECK YOUR ENGLISH VOCABULARY FOR LAW

Court orders and injunctions

Choose the best word in bold to complete each of these sentences. Many of the expressions are particular to the law of England and Wales, but will probably have equivalents in other countries.

People who cause trouble in a particular place may be legally prevented from going to that place again. This is known as a banning / bankruptcy order.
In Britain, if someone is causing someone distress, harm or harassment, the police can apply for an ASDA / ASBO in order to restrict their behaviour.
In a civil case, a court may impose a search / hunt order allowing a party to inspect and photocopy or remove a defendant's documents, especially if the defendant might destroy those documents.
A promise given to a court (for example, by a vandal who promises not to damage property again) is known as an undertaker / undertaking.
Sometimes a temporary injunction can be imposed on someone until the case goes to court. This is known as a temporary or interlocutory / interim injunction
A restraining / restriction order is a court order which tells a defendant not to do something while the court is still making a decision.
If someone applies for an injunction against a person with a mental disability, a third party will be appointed to act for that person. This third party is known as a litigation assistant / friend.
A frozen / freezing order or injunction prevents a defendant who has gone abroad from taking all his assets (for example, the money in his bank account) abroad (although he is allowed to take out money for living expenses).
If you want to stop a magazine publishing an article about you (or photographs of you) that you do not like, you can apply for a publicity / publication injunction.
A person who repeatedly harasses, pesters or hits another person might be given a non-proliferation / non-molestation order to prevent him / her from continuing to do it.
If your partner is trying to get you out of your shared home, or if he / she won't let you back into your home, you can apply for an occupation / occupying order to remain / get back into the home.
Housing / Home injunctions might protect you if you live in a council home and your neighbours are annoying and harassing you, or if you are a private tenant being harassed by your landlord.
A Common / Public Law injunction can sometimes be applied for if one partner of an unmarried couple is harassing, assaulting or trespassing on the property of the other.
Reconstitution / Restitution orders are court orders asking for property to be returned to someone.
An order of discharge / disclosure is a court order releasing someone from bankruptcy.
Many injunctions have a penal / penalty notice attached, which states that if the injunction is broken, the offender could be sent to prison.
Injunctions aimed at preventing violence may carry a power of arrest / arrears clause, which allows the police to take the offender into custody if the injunction is broken.
If an injunction is broken, committal / committee proceedings might follow: this is a process in which a court is asked to send the person who has broken the injunction to prison.

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