Thursday 16 April 2020

Corporate responsibility 2: Communities CHECK YOUR ENGLISH VOCABULARY FOR LAW

Corporate responsibility 2: Communities

In this text, complete the first part of each word in bold with the second part of each word from the box.

A company should res___, pro___ and pro___ national and international human rights trea___, prin___ and standards, regardless of whether or not these have been rat___ by the host state, and regardless of whether or not such standards are legally-bin___ in the host state. All companies should reg___ their behaviour accordingly. A company should respect the political juris___ of the host state, but where there are gross human rights vio___ by the government of the host state, the company should withdraw its operations from that state.

A company should com___ with internationally-recognised labour, health, safety and environ___ standards. It should be comm___ to ensuring that the communities it deals with and the people it employs are trea___ with res___. It should recognise that its operations will have a soc___, econ___ and environmental imp___ on local communities, and it should inv___ the community in any major dec___-making process. It should contr___ to the devel___ of that community, the pres___ of local cultures, the development of social, educational and medical fac___ and the sust___ of the local economy. It should at all times incor___ the best inter____ of the community into its methods of operation, and actively encourage the parti___ of the community in its operations.

If a company produces essential food or medical items to sell locally, it should imp___ a policy of price res___ so that these products are affo___. It should not charge grossly inf___ prices. If the essential products it makes carry a pat___, the company should not enf___ this if doing so will have an adv___ effect on the health and wellbeing of local people.

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