Sunday 1 March 2020



In certain structure items, the correct use of parallel structures is tested. Parallel structures have the same grammatic form and function. Look at the following sentences:

She spends her leisure time hiking, camping, and fishing.
He changed the oil, checked the tire pressure, and filled the tank with gas.
Nancy plans to either study medicine or major in biology.
Nancy plans to study either medicine or biology.

All of the structures in italics are parallel. In the first, three gerunds are parallel; in the second, three main verbs; in the third, two simple forms; and in the fourth, two nouns. Many other structures must be parallel in certain sentences: adjectives, adverbs, infinitives, prepositional phrases, noun clauses, and others.

The most common situation in which parallel structures are required is in a sequence (A, B, and C), as in the first two sentences above. Parallel structures are also required with correlative conjunctions such as either . . . or or not only . . . but also. (Correlative conjunctions are presented in Lesson 28.)


Many types of structures may be involved in this type of Sentence Completion item: adjectives, noun phrases, prepositional phrases, clauses, and others.

Sample Item

San Francisco has a pleasant climate, ________ and many fascinating neighborhoods.
(A) exciting scenery,
(B) has exciting scenery
(C) that the scenery is exciting
(D) the scenery is exciting,

The correct answer is (A). This sentence contains a series of three objects after the verb has: the first and third are noun phrases (a pleasant climate and many fascinating neighborhoods). To be parallel, the second object must also be a noun phrase. Choices (B), (C), and (D) are not parallel.



Focus: Identifying errors involving parallelism

Directions: If the underlined form is parallel to other forms in the sentence, mark the sentence C. If the underlined form is not parallel, mark the sentence X and write a correction for the underlined form in the blank at the end of the sentence.

Steel is alloyed with manganese to increase its strength, hardness, and resistance to wear.
The type of plant and animal life living in and around a pond depends on the soil of the pond, what the quality of the water is, and the pond’s location.
Philosophers are concerned with questions about nature, human behavior, society, and reality.
When taking part in winter sports, one should wear clothing that is lightweight, warmth, and suitable for the activity.
Folklore consists of the beliefs, customs, traditions, and telling stories that people pass from generation to generation.
Major sources of noise pollution include automobiles and other vehicles, industrial plants, and heavy construction equipment.
Because of their hardness, industrial diamonds can be used for cutting, grind, and drilling.
Scholar John Fiske wrote on history, religious, and social issues.
Electricity is used to light, hot, and cool buildings.
T. S. Eliot was equally distinguished as a poet, he wrote criticism, and a dramatist.


Focus: Completing structure problems involving parallelism. (Note: One or two items in the exercise do NOT focus on items involving parallel structures. These items are marked in the answer key with asterisks.)

Directions: For Sentence Completion items, mark the answer choice—(A), (B), (C), or (D)—that correctly completes the sentence. For Error Identification items, circle the underlined portion of the sentence that would not be considered correct.

The bellflower is (A) a wildflower that grows in (B) shady fields, in marshes (C), and mountain (D) slopes.
Insects provide many beneficial services, such as __________________, breaking down deadwood, and pollinating plants.
(A) they condition soils
(B) to condition soil
(C) conditioning the soil
(D) soil conditioned
Computers are often used (A) to control, adjustment (B) , and correct (C) complex industrial (D) operations.
Eggs may be boiling (A) in the shell (B), scrambled, fried (C) , and cooked in countless other (D) ways.
Frozen orange juice must be packed, _______________, and stored when the fruit is ripe.
(A) be frozen
(B) must be frozen
(C) frozen
(D) it must be frozen
In 1900, electrically powered cars were more popular than gasoline powered cars because they were quiet, operated smoothly, and ______________.
(A) handled easily
(B) ease of handling
(C) handling easily
(D) easy to handle
Many places of history (A), scientific, cultural (B), or scenic (C) importance have been designated national (D) monuments.
Roger Williams was a clergyman, ________ the colony of Rhode Island, and an outspoken advocate of religious and political freedom.
(A) founded
(B) the founder of
(C) was the founder of
(D) he founded
Modern (A) motorcycles are lighter (B), faster, and specialized (C) than motorcycles (D) of twenty-five years ago.
Paint can be applied to a surface with rollers, __________________, or spray guns.
(A) brushes
(B) brushes can be used
(C) with brushes
(D) by brush
Many people who live near the ocean depend on (A) it as a source of food (B), recreation (C), and to have economic (D) opportunities.
The use of labor-saving devices in homes, _____________, and in factories added to the amount of leisure time people had.
(A) at office
(B) used in offices
(C) offices
(D) in offices
Throughout history, trade routes have increased contact between people, _____________________________, and greatly affected the growth of civilization.
(A) have resulted in an exchange of ideas
(B) an exchange of ideas has resulted
(C) resulted in an exchange of ideas
(D) resulting in an exchange of ideas
Large commercial fishing vessels are equipped (A) to clean, packaging (B), and freeze (C) the fish that they catch at sea (D).
As a breed (A), golden retrievers are intelligent (B), loyally (C), and friendly (D) dogs.
Mathematics can be considered a language (A), an art, a science (B), a tool (C), or playing a game (D).
Photographers’ choice of a camera depends on what kind of pictures they want to take, how much control they want over exposure, and ___________________ they want to spend.
(A) the amount of money
(B) what money
(C) how much money
(D) so much money that
Barbara Jordan was the first woman in the South to win an election to the House of Representatives, __________ as Congresswoman from Texas from 1973–1979.
(A) to serve
(B) served
(C) serving
(D) has served
Paper (A) may contain mineral (B), vegetables (C), or man-made (D) fibers.
R. Buckminster Fuller was a design (A), an architect (B), an inventor (C), and an engineer(D).


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