Tuesday 3 March 2020



Participles are verbal adjectives. Two kinds of participles are tested: present participles and past participles. The present participle always ends in -ing. The past participle of regular verbs ends in -ed, but many verbs have irregular past participles.
Participles are tested in both types of Structure problems.


Sentence Completion items usually test the use of participial phrases (a participle and related words) after nouns. Participial phrases used this way are actually reduced (shortened) adjective clauses. Present participles are used to reduce adjective clauses that contain active verbs.

Minnesota, which joined the Union in 1858, became the thirty-second state. (full adjective clause with active verb)
Minnesota, joining the Union in 1858, became the thirty-second state. (participial phrase with a present participle)

Past participles are used to reduce adjective clauses with passive verbs.
The College of William and Mary, which was founded in 1693, is the second oldest college in the United States.
(full adjective clause with a passive verb)

The College of William and Mary, founded in 1693, is the second oldest college in the United States.
(participial phrase with a past participle)

Participial phrases can also come before the subject of a sentence.
Joining the Union in 1858, Minnesota became the thirty-second state.
Founded in 1693, the College of William and Mary is the second oldest college in the United States.

Usually, the participle itself is missing from this type of Structure item, but any part of a participial phrase, as well as parts of a main clause, may be missing.

Sample Item

Natural resources provide the raw materials ________ to produce finished goods.
(A) needed
(B) are needed
(C) which need
(D) needing

The correct answer is (A). Choice (B) is a passive verb; the sentence cannot contain two main verbs (are needed and provide) in the same clause. Choice (C) creates an adjective clause, but the verb in the clause is active and a passive verb is needed. However, a relative clause with a passive verb (which are needed) would be a correct answer. Choice (D) is a present participle and has an active meaning; a past participle is needed.


Error Identification items most often test participles used before nouns as one-word adjectives. When used before a noun, present participles have an active meaning; past participles have a passive meaning.

It was an exhausting 10-kilometer race. (present participle)
The exhausted runners were too tired to move after the race. (past participle)

In the first sentence, the race exhausts the runners. The race “performs” the action. In the second sentence, the runners are exhausted by the race. They receive the action. Error Identification items may also test the use of participles in phrases after nouns as reduced (shortened) relative clauses. Again, present participles imply an active idea, past participles a passive one.

The man stealing the money was arrested. (present participle; means “who stole”)
The money stolen from the bank was recovered. (past participle; means “which was stolen”)

In Error Identification items, you may see past participles used incorrectly for present participles or present participles used incorrectly for past participles. You may also see a main verb used when a participle is required.


Focus: Identifying errors and correct forms of participles

Directions: Underline the form that best completes each sentence.

The largest (knowing/known) insects are found in tropical rain forests.
A hummingbird’s heart beats at the (astonished/astonishing) rate of 615 beats per minute.
A bill of lading is a (writing/written) receipt for goods that are sent by public transportation.
At the peak of his jump, a pole vaulter performs a series of (twisting/twisted) body motions to clear the bar.
Anyone (working/worked) under conditions that cause a heavy loss of perspiration can suffer heat exhaustion.
A mosquito (filled/is filled) with blood is carrying twice its own body weight.
The state of Wisconsin has seventy-two counties, many (naming/named) after Indian tribes.
Sun spots occur in cycles, with the greatest number generally (appearing/are appearing) every eleven years.


Focus: Structure problems involving incomplete or missing participial phrases. (Note: One or two items in this exercise do NOT focus on participial phrases; these items are marked on the answer key with asterisks.)

Directions: Choose the one option—(A), (B), (C), or (D)—that correctly completes the sentence. For Error Identification items, circle the underlined portion of the sentence that would not be considered correct. Then mark the appropriate blank.

Aerodynamics is the study of the forces _____________ on an object as it movesthrough the atmosphere.
(A) acting
(B) act
(C) are acting
(D) acted
Most candles are made of (A) paraffin wax mixing (B) with compounds that have higher melting (C) points to keep (D) them from melting in hot weather.
_______________ for their strong fiber include flax and hemp.
(A) Plants are grown
(B) Plants grown
(C) Plants that grow
(D) To grow plants
___________________________________, methane can be used as a fuel.
(A) It’s produced by the fermentation of organic matter
(B) Produced by the fermentation of organic matter
(C) The production by fermentation of organic matter
(D) The fermentation of organic matter is produced
Ralph Blakelock specialized in (A) painting (B) wild, lonely nighttime landscapes (C) , usually with black trees were silhouetted (D) against the Moon.
Elfreth’s Alley in Philadelphia is the oldest residential street in the United States, with _____________________ from 1728.
(A) houses are dated
(B) the dates of the houses
(C) the dating of houses
(D) houses dating
The Farallon Islands are a group of (A) uninhabited (B) islands lying (C) about 40 mile (D) west of San Francisco.
In 1821, the city of Indianapolis, Indiana, was laid out in a design _____________ after that of Washington, D.C.
(A) patterned
(B) was patterned
(C) a pattern
(D) that patterned
The crushing (A) leaves of yarrow plants can serve (B) as a traditional (C) medicine for cleansing (D) wounds.
__________________ in front of a camera lens changes the color of the light that reaches the film.
(A) Placed a filter
(B) A filter is placed
(C) A filter placed
(D) When a filter placed
The Massachusetts State House, ________ in 1798, was the most distinguished building in the United States at that time.
(A) completing
(B) which was completed
(C) was completed
(D) to be completed
Checkerboard Mesa in Utah features (A) a strangely (B) cracking (C) expanse of stone (D).
Barbara McClintock __________ for her discovery of the mobility of genetic elements.
(A) known
(B) who knows
(C) knowing
(D) is known
Throughout the (A) long career, Pete Seeger has been (B) a leading (C) figure in reviving (D) folk music.
The solitary scientist _____________________________ by himself has, in many instances, been replaced by a cooperative scientific team.
(A) to make important discoveries
(B) important discoveries were made
(C) has made important discoveries
(D) making important discoveries
Geometry is the branch of mathematics __________________ the properties of lines, curves, shapes, and surfaces.
(A) that concerned with
(B) it is concerned with
(C) concerned with
(D) its concerns are


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