Friday 2 October 2020







Collocations with change as a noun

There have been dramatic changes in the climate of the Arctic region in the last decade. [very sudden or noticeable changes]

The government is proposing fundamental changes to the laws on marriage and divorce. [basic changes, and more important than anything else]

There was a radical change in party policy in 2013. [great or extreme change]

The new manager made sweeping changes to the way the company was run. [change affecting many people/things]

Let’s go swimming this morning instead of running. It would make a change. [be pleasantly different to one’s usual routine]

Read the teacher’s comments on your essays, then make any necessary changes.

The changes in the system will be implemented soon. [will be put into operation/practice]

The change in the electoral system came about because of widespread public protest.

Many changes had taken place in my home town – and not always for the better.


Collocations with change as a verb, adjective or adverb

Things can change dramatically, fundamentally or radically but NOT sweepingly.

Pronunciation changes imperceptibly over the years. [changes so slowly that you hardly notice it]

In the ten years since our last meeting, Irena had changed beyond recognition. [changed so much one couldn’t recognise her]

If we call someone a changed man/woman we mean that he or she has changed for the better.

Life in the village remained unchanged for centuries. [formal: stayed the same]

Some people are much better than others at adapting to changing circumstances.


Other ways of talking about change



The hotel had undergone a transformation since our last stay.

also undergo a revival

The exchange rate has been fluctuating wildly over the last few days.

= going up and down in an unpredictable way (also used with temperature(s) and share prices)

We have had a modest increase in students enrolling on our courses.

also a modest improvement, modest gain, modest recovery, where modest = slight or small

There has been a sudden shift in public opinion in favour of the ban on smoking.

also a dramatic shift

Amy’s work shows considerable improvement.

one opposite might be: There is room for improvement in her work.

Our children’s lives were turned upside-down when we moved.

= changed dramatically, usually for the worse

Elderly people sometimes find it difficult to move with the times.

= keep up with changes and adapt to them

Common mistakes

Profits show an increase/decrease and show an upward / a downward trend, NOT have an increase, etc.

Figures increase dramatically or significantly, NOT increase strongly.



Answer these questions about the collocations on the opposite page.

1 What is the opposite of:

a) to change imperceptibly         b) to cancel planned changes

2 Which of these words suggest major changes and which minor changes?

a) dramatic         b) slight            c) fundamental           d) superficial             e) radical

3 Which is the more formal alternative in each pair?

a) The town remains unchanged. The town is the same.

b) Over the years the school has changed a lot.

Over the years many changes have taken place in the school.

4 If someone says Emma is a changed woman, do they approve of the change in Emma?

5 Is it easier for a young person or an elderly person to adapt to changing circumstances?

6 If someone says ‘It made a nice change going out for a meal last night’, what changed – the fact that they went out, or the restaurant they went to?


Complete each sentence using a word from the box in the appropriate form.












1 The figures _________ a dramatic increase in the number of women in paid employment in the 1940s.

2 My grandmother loves her ebook reader and her smartphone – she has no problem moving with the _________.

3 I can’t face moving house again – I don’t want to have my life _________ upside-down another time.

4 The pop music of the 1980s seems to be _________ a bit of a revival.

5 The weather’s been odd this month – temperatures have fluctuated _________.

6 We have experienced a modest _________ in profits this year.

7 I _________ some changes to the document but forgot to save them!

8 I think you’ll find that the school has changed beyond _________.

9 The new leader promised that things would change _________ and for the better.

10 When are they planning to _________ the changes to the school curriculum?


Rewrite each sentence using the word in brackets.

1 Your coursework assignment is still not quite as good as it should be. (ROOM)

2 Public attitudes towards the issue of capital punishment suddenly changed. (SHIFT)

3 There were several changes in our management structure last year. (PLACE)

4 The school programme has changed a lot since I was a pupil here. (SWEEPING)

5 Some quite significant changes took place last year. (CAME)

6 Penny has been much nicer since she got the job she wanted. (CHANGED)

7 My life changed dramatically when I lost my job. (TURNED)

8 It’d be nice to do something different and stay in a hotel rather than go camping this summer. (CHANGE)


Over to you

Go to and search for ‘climate change’. Click on one of the items, read it and make a note of any collocations relating to change that you find in it.





1 a) to change beyond recognition    b) to implement planned changes

2 a) major b) minor c) major d) minor e) major

3 a) The town remains unchanged.  b) Over the years many changes have taken place in the school.

4 Yes.

5 It’s usually easier for a young person than an elderly person to adapt to changing circumstances.

6 The fact that they went out.



1 show/showed                 6 increase

2 times                              7 made

3 turned                             8 recognition

4 undergoing                     9 dramatically

5 wildly                             10 implement



1 There is room for improvement in your coursework assignment.

2 There was a sudden shift in public attitudes towards the issue of capital punishment.

3 Several changes in our management structure took place last year.

4 There have been sweeping changes to the school programme since I was a pupil here.

5 Some quite significant changes came about last year.

6 Penny has been a changed woman since she got the job she wanted.

7 My life turned / was turned upside-down when I lost my job.

8 It’d make a change to stay in a hotel rather than go camping this summer.

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