Friday 2 October 2020





Making an effort


Adjective + noun collocations




a determined effort

Mike has been making a determined effort to save money.

a very serious and thorough effort

a concerted effort

We made a concerted effort to meet all our deadlines this week.

a determined effort, usually made by several people working together

a joint effort

I couldn’t have done it on my own – it was truly a joint effort.

done by two or more people

a team effort

The manager congratulated the sales force on their magnificent team effort.

done by a group of people

a valiant effort

Olivia has made a valiant effort to keep up with work despite her illness.

a brave effort in the face of great difficulty

strenuous efforts

Strenuous efforts were made to prevent the story from reaching the papers.

attempts requiring a lot of effort or energy

give it one’s best shot

Although Kerry didn’t succeed in breaking the record, he gave it his best shot.

make an attempt that is worthy of admiration

an abortive attempt

They made several abortive attempts to climb the mountain.

formal, failed attempts

physical exertion

I’m exhausted – I’m not used to so much physical exertion!

hard physical effort

a hard slog

It was a hard slog getting my thesis finished on time but I made it!

informal, hard work

an uphill struggle

It’ll be an uphill struggle persuading your manager to make the changes you want.

informal, a lot of effort with no certainty of success


Careers advice

Note the collocations in this advertisement for training workshops.

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Our workshops offer advice to anyone who is thinking about a new career. We can provide a solution to any careers problem. Our training is based on the premise that successful career choice requires effort. But if you devote energy to making the right decisions, if you follow our advice and heed1 our warnings we guarantee you will reap the rewards2 of your efforts. Those who ignore our advice tend to find their career is doomed to failure3. So if you have a desperate desire to succeed, don’t just pin your hopes on4 good luck; come to one of our workshops. Our methods have stood the test of time5. So come on, you know it’s got to be worth a try. Sign up for one of our workshops and you won’t look back.

1 listen to

2 be rewarded

3 sure to fail

4 rely on

5 been proved successful over a long period of time


Common mistakes

You make an effort, NOT do an effort.



Answer these questions about collocations from A.

1 ‘Max is not used to so much physical exertion.’

What is Max not accustomed to – exercise or intellectual activity?

2 ‘Doing a degree while you’re working will be a hard slog but it’ll be worth it.’

Does the speaker think it will be straightforward for their friend to do a degree?

3 ‘You mustn’t forget that the project requires a joint effort.’

Is the project the responsibility of one person or more?

4 ‘It’s important that you give things your best shot.’

Is the speaker encouraging someone to try their hardest or to spend a lot of money?

5 ‘In 1905 a female revolutionary made an abortive attempt to kill the heir to the throne.’

Did the revolutionary assassinate the heir?

6 ‘You’ll have to make a team effort if you want to win the trophy!’

Is the speaker talking about cooperation or competition between the members of the team?


Complete this paragraph using words from the box in the appropriate form.














Last year I decided to set up my own online company. I received conflicting advice about doing so from different people. My friends said it was (1) ___________ a try and encouraged me to make a (2) ___________ effort to get it going. My parents said my plans were (3) ___________ to failure. I wish I hadn’t (4) ___________ my parents’ advice. I wouldn’t have been in this mess now, had I (5) ___________ their warnings. I should have known that such a vague business plan was risky, but I suppose I had such a desperate (6) ___________ to succeed that I thought I might get away with it. It’s not because I didn’t give it my best (7) ___________. I made (8) ___________ efforts to get things going, (9) ___________ more or less all my energy to getting it started. But in the end it just (10) ___________ too much effort. I had been (11) ___________ my hopes on getting enough publicity for my site but that just never happened. So, unfortunately, it seems I will never (12) ___________ the rewards of my efforts.


Rewrite each sentence using the word in brackets.

1 It’ll be extremely difficult to get your work finished by the deadline. (UPHILL)

2 The appeal of Shakespeare’s plays has certainly lasted through the centuries. (TEST)

3 It would be sensible for you to do what he advises. (FOLLOW)

4 No parents can solve all their children’s problems. (PROVIDE)

5 After a few months you will begin to benefit from all your hard work. (REAP)

6 Rob tried hard not to fall behind in the race but he just didn’t have enough stamina. (VALIANT)

7 Being very active physically certainly works up an appetite. (EXERTION)

8 A lawyer would probably be the best person to advise you. (OFFER)

9 I’m very much hoping I may win a scholarship to the college. (PINNING)

10 Elisa has been trying very hard to do better this term. (CONCERTED)



1 Exercise – this is made clear by the word physical.

2 No, the speaker thinks it will be difficult – this is made clear by the phrase hard slog.

3 It’s the responsibility of two or more people – this is made clear by the word joint.

4 To try their hardest – this is shown by the use of give things your best shot.

5 No, she didn’t – this is made clear by the word abortive.

6 Cooperation – this is made clear by the word team.



1 worth

2 determined

3 doomed

4 ignored

5 heeded

6 desire

7 shot

8 strenuous

9 devoting

10 required

11 pinning

12 reap



1 It’ll be an uphill struggle to get your work finished by the deadline.

2 The appeal of Shakespeare’s plays has certainly stood the test of time.

3 It would be sensible for you to follow his advice.

4 No parents can provide a solution to/for all their children’s problems.

5 After a few months you will begin to reap the rewards of all your hard work.

6 Rob made a valiant effort not to fall behind in the race but he just didn’t have enough stamina.

7 (Hard) physical exertion certainly works up an appetite.

8 A lawyer would probably be the best person to offer you advice.

9 I’m pinning my hopes on winning a scholarship to the college.

10 Elisa has been making a concerted effort to do better this term.

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