Thursday 8 October 2020





EXERCISE 32. Verb tense review. (Chapters 1 + 4)

Directions: Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses.

Dear Adam,

Hi! Remember me? (Just a joke!) I (write, not) ____ haven’t written ___ (1) to you for at least six months, but that's not long enough for you to forget me! I think about writing to you often, but I (be, not) __________ (2) a good correspondent for the last few months. You (hear, not) __________ (3) from me for such a long time because I (be) __________ (4) really busy. For the last few months, I (work) __________ (5) full-time at a shoe store and (go) __________ (6) to school at the local community college to study business and computers. When I (wire) __________ (7) to you six months ago-last April, I think-I (go) __________ (8) to the university full-time and (study) __________ (9) anthropology. A lot of things (happen) __________ (10) since then.


At the end of the spring semester last June, my grades (be) __________ (11) terrible. As a result, I (lose) __________ (12) my scholarship and my parents' support. I really (mess) __________ (13) up when I (get) __________ (14) those bad grades. When I (show) __________ (15) my grade report to my parents, they (refuse) __________ (16) to help me with my living expenses at school anymore. They (feel) __________ (17) that I was wasting my time and their money, so they (tell) __________ (18) me to get a job. So last June I (start) __________ (19) working at a shoe store: Imperial Shoes at Southcenter Mall. I (work) __________ (20) there ever since.


It (be, not) __________ (21) a bad job, but it (be, not) __________ (22) wonderful either. Every day, I (fetch) __________ (23) shoes from the back room for people to try on, boxes and boxes of shoes, all day long. I (meet) __________ (24) some pretty weird people since I (start) __________ (25) this job. A couple of weeks ago, a middle-aged man (come) __________ (26) into the store. He (want) __________ (27) to try on some black leather loafers. I (bring) __________ (28) the loafers, and he (put) __________ (29) them on. While he (walk) __________ (30) around to see if they fit okay, he (pull) __________ (31) from his pocket a little white mouse with pink eyes and  (start) __________ (32) talking to it. He (look) __________ (33) right at the mouse and (say) __________ (34), “George, (you, like) __________ (35) this pair of shoes?” When the mouse (twitch) __________ (36) its nose, the man (say) __________ (37),”Yes, so do I.” Then he (turn) __________ (38) to me and (say) __________ (39),”We'll take them.” Can you believe that!?


Most of the people I meet are nice-and normal. My favorite customers (be) __________ (40) people who (know) __________ (41) what they want when they (enter) __________ (42) the store. They (come) __________ (43) in, (point) at __________ (44) at one pair of shoes, politely (tell) __________ (45) me their size, (try) __________ (46) the shoes on, and then (buy) __________ (47) them, just like that. They (agonize, not) __________ (48) for a long time over which pair to buy.


I (learn) __________ (49) one important thing from working at the shoe store: I (want, not) __________ (50) to sell shoes as a career. I (need) __________ (51) a good education that (prepare) __________ (52) me for a job that I can enjoy for the rest of my life. And even though I love studying anthropology, I (decide) __________ (53) that a degree in business and computers will provide the best career opportunities.


Now 1(work) __________ (54) part-time at the shoe store and (go) __________ (55) to school at the same time. I (want, always) __________ (56) to be completely independent and self-reliant, and now I (be) __________ (57).  1 (have) __________ (58) to pay every penny of my tuition and living expenses now. Ever since I (lose) __________ (59) my scholarship and (make) __________ (60) my parents mad, I (be) __________ (61) completely on my own. I'm glad to report that my grades at present (be) __________ (62) excellent, and right now I (enjoy, really) __________ (63) my work with computers. In the future, I (continue) __________ (64) to take courses in anthropology whenever I can fit them into my schedule, and I (study) __________ (65) Anthropology on my own for the rest of my life, but.1 (pursue) __________ (66) a career in business. Maybe there is some way I can combine anthropology, business, and computers. Who knows?


There. I (tell) __________ (67) you everything I can think of that is at all important in my life at the moment. I think I (grow) __________ (68) up lot during the last six months. I (understand) __________ (69) that my education is important. Losing my scholarship (make) __________ (70) my life more difficult, but I (believe) __________ (71) that I (take, finally) __________ (72) charge of my life. It's a good feeling.


Please write. I'd love to hear from you.





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