Saturday 3 October 2020






Present simple

Facts which are always true


The present simple is used to describe permanent facts, for example in science and geographical descriptions.

The light from the sun takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach the Earth.

The River Po flows into the Adriatic Sea

The present simple is also used for situations that are generally true.

I work in an office and live in a flat in the suburbs

Habitual actions

The present simple is used to describe habits and routines. A frequently adverb is often used.

I usually take the bus to work

Summary of events

The present simple can be used to make a summary of the events in a narrative, for example in a film or book. It can also be used for a table of historical events.

In Chapter 1, Susan meets David, and agrees to go to the school dance with him.

In 1789, the French Revolution begins,

Present continuous

Actions which are in progress now

The present continuous is used to describe actions which are temporary and not yet finished.

I’m doing the washing-up

The action may be happening right now, or around now.

I’m reading one of he Harry Potter books at the moment

Habits during a temporary situation

The present continuous can describe a habit that happens over a short period of time. A time expression is necessary.

At the moment we’re sending all the mail by courier, because the Post Office in on strike.

A repeated temporary action


The present continuous can describe a single action that is repeated. A time expression is necessary.

Whenever I see Tom he’s smoking.

You’re making the same mistakes again!

In examples like this we are often exaggerating or complaining. This is particularly true when we use always.

You’re always borrowing money from me!


Problems with simple and continuous

Some verbs are not normally used in the continuous form, because they describe activities which are already extend in time. These are called ‘state’ verbs.

be, believe, cost, depend, have, hear, know, matter, smell, suppose, taste, think, understand

Some of the verbs can be used in continuous forms with a change of meaning.

Tim is being rather difficult at the moment. (behave)

I’m having breakfast. (eat)

I’m tasting the soup, to check if it needs more salt. (sample)

I’m thinking of buying a new car. (consider)

Other verbs with change of meaning:

I see what you mean (understand)

Jane is seeing Brian a lot at the moment. (meet, go out with)

In many situations we can use either a simple or continuous form. The simple form is for a permanent situation or general habit, the continuous form is for a temporary situation.

I live in London. (it’s my permanent home)

I’m living in London. (just for a year-my home is London)

Do you sleep a lot? (It is your habit?)

Are you sleeping enough? (What is happening at the moment)


1. Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence


What sort of work do you do/ are you doing?


I can’t talk now. I cook / I’m cooking the dinner.


What shall we have? Do you like / Are you liking fish?


Can I borrow this laptop? Or do you use / are you using it?


What do the people here do / are the people here doing in the evenings?


Follow that bus. Then you turn / are turning left.


A lot of people think that the Sun goes / is going around the Earth.


Excuse me, do you read / are you reading your newspaper? Could I borrow it?


Do you wait / Are you waiting for the bus to Newcastle?


Andy builds / is building his own house in the country.

2. Put each verb in brackets into either the present simple or the present continuous.


There’s nobody here, and the door’s locked. What (we do) __ do we do ____now?


What (you look) __________ at?(I wear) __________ the wrong clothes?


I (look after) __________ Jack’s dog this weekend, (you want) __________ to take it for a walk?


Who (drive) __________ the Mercedes that’s parked outside?


I (still have) __________ a pain in my leg but it (get) __________ better.


Who (Sue dance) __________ with? That’s not her brother, is it?


Harry always (look) __________ untidy! And today he (wear) __________ dirty jeans.


I (write)............................... in reply to your advertisement in the Daily News.


That plant I bought (not grow) __________ very much. And I (water) __________ it every day.


Which hotel (you stay) __________ at when you (come) __________ here?



1 do you do.

2 I'm cooking.

3 Do you like.

4 are you using.

5 do the people here do.

6 turn.

7 goes.

8 are you reading.

9 Are you waiting.

10 is building.



1 do we do.

2 are you looking, Am I wearing.

3 am looking after, Do you want.

4 drives.

5 still have, is getting.

6 is Sue dancing.

7 looks, is wearing.

8Am writing.

9 is not growing, water.

10 do you stay, come.

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