Saturday 3 October 2020

Positive situations and feelings ENGLISH COLLOCATIONS IN USE (ADVANCED)




Positive situations and feelings


Good feelings



You should have a great sense of achievement at having reached the last unit of the book.

feeling of having succeeded

John has always had a very strong sense of purpose in his life.

feeling of having a clear aim

Laura heaved a sigh of relief as she saw Ben step off the plane.

happy feeling that something bad has not happened

Tamara felt a shiver down her spine as she heard the orchestra tuning up.

feeling of excitement (or sometimes fear)

As I stood up to speak I felt a surge of adrenalin.

a sudden feeling of nervousness (or sometimes excitement)

I had a sudden burst of energy and decided to spring-clean the whole flat.

a feeling of being full of energy

We are all in a state of euphoria after our fantastic exam results.

a feeling of excited happiness

I just loved my day at the beauty spa. It was sheer bliss.

a feeling of calm happiness


Interview with a film star


Claudia, how did you feel about winning the Oscar?

Claudia Fay:

I can truly say that my heart leapt when I heard the announcement. Winning an Oscar has been my lifelong ambition, so this was a dream come true!


And how does your husband feel about it?

Claudia Fay:

He’s always very supportive. He had high hopes that I would win this time. And my son literally jumped for joy. He’s dead keen1 to become an actor himself.


And how would you feel about that?

Claudia Fay:

I’ve certainly found happiness in this profession. But it doesn’t always live up to people’s expectations2, of course. It’s not as glamorous as it’s made out to be.


Do you think it’d work to his advantage3 that both parents are in the business?

Claudia Fay:

Maybe. But it’s more important to have talent, of course. And a lot also depends on pure luck, being in the right place at the right time, that sort of thing. But I’d be cautiously optimistic about his chances of success, I think.


Does the fact that your career is currently more successful than your husband’s cause any tensions at home?

Claudia Fay:

Not at all. My husband takes great delight in any success that I have. And I have a profound admiration for his work. I hope one day he’ll get the recognition he deserves. But even if he doesn’t, we both know that a great many people derive a lot of pleasure from4 his films. He receives a lot of quite moving fan mail in which people express their admiration for his work.


Thank you, Claudia. It was a great pleasure5 to talk to you.

1 (informal) very keen

2 isn’t as good as expected

3 be of benefit to him

4 (formal) find great enjoyment in

5 NOT a big pleasure





Correct the collocation errors in these sentences.

1 The whole country seems to be in a place of euphoria aft er winning the World Cup.

2 I heaved a breath of relief when I heard Joe had finally passed his driving test.

3 As the starting whistle blew, a jump of adrenalin helped me get off to a good start.

4 I still always feel a shake down my spine when I set off on a long journey.

5 It was a difficult climb but we had a marvellous emotion of achievement as we stood at the top.

6 Agreeing to do a bit of overtime could walk to your advantage, you know.

7 Dominik seems to have lost his idea of purpose.

8 As winter ends I always seem to feel a break of energy.

9 It was clean luck that the answer suddenly came to me in the middle of the exam.

10 I don’t think those engineers ever got the cognition they deserved.


Complete each sentence using a word from the opposite page.

1 Parents _________ more pleasure from their children’s success than from their own.

2 I had _________ hopes of this job but it hasn’t _________ up to my expectations.

3 I hope that all your dreams will _________ true.

4 In her article the critic _________ considerable admiration for the poet’s early work.

5 My _________ leapt when I saw that at last I had an email from Mark.

6 My grandmother _________ great delight in creating a beautiful garden.

7 We are cautiously _________ that Simona will get the job she’s applied for.

8 It was a _________ pleasure to meet you. I hope our paths will cross again soon.

9 The children jumped for _________ when they saw their aunt at the door.


Answer these questions using a dictionary if necessary.

1 What else can come true as well as a dream?

2 What can be lifelong as well as an ambition?

3 With what words, apart from keen, can dead be used as an informal adverb to mean extremely?

4 With what words, apart from bliss, can sheer be used as an adjective to mean complete?

5 What can be described as profound besides admiration?


Answer these questions in full sentences.

1 Where do you think people are more likely to find happiness – in a relationship or a career?

2 Would you say you had a profound admiration for anyone? If so, who and why?

3 What has happened to you that can be described as a matter of pure luck?

4 Do you derive more pleasure from music or from reading?

5 When did you last experience a sense of achievement?

Over to you

As this is the final unit in the book, take this opportunity now to look back at the units you have covered and note your favourite collocations from each unit.



1 The whole country seems to be in a state of euphoria after winning the World Cup.

2 I heaved a sigh of relief when I heard Joe had finally passed his driving test.

3 As the starting whistle blew, a surge of adrenalin helped me get off to a good start.

4 I still always feel a shiver down my spine when I set off on a long journey.

5 It was a difficult climb but we had a marvellous sense of achievement as we stood at the top.

6 Agreeing to do a bit of overtime could work to your advantage, you know.

7 Dominik seems to have lost his sense of purpose.

8 As winter ends I always seem to feel a burst of energy.

9 It was pure luck that the answer suddenly came to me in the middle of the exam.

10 I don’t think those engineers ever got the recognition they deserved.



1 derive

2 high; lived

3 come

4 expressed

5 heart

6 takes/took

7 optimistic

8 great

9 joy



Possible answers:

1 a hope or a wish

2 a friend, a habit or a dream

3 easy, certain or jealous

4 luck, willpower, nonsense or coincidence

5 an effect, a hope or a change



Author’s answers:

1 I think that most people are more likely to find long-lasting happiness in a relationship than a career – though you can find plenty of happiness in a career too, of course.

2 I have profound admiration for a twelve-year-old girl I know who takes most of the responsibility for looking after her seriously disabled mother and who always appears cheerful.

3 Getting my first writing commission was a matter of pure luck, of bumping into someone at the right moment.

4 I enjoy both, but I think I derive more pleasure from reading.

5 I last experienced a sense of achievement when I finished writing the units for this book.

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