Monday 5 October 2020






PRACTICE 20 – GUIDED STUDY: Present verbs.

Directions: Use either the SIMPLE PRESENT or the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE of the verbs in parentheses.


Ann is a painter. She (go) _____________ to the opening of every new arts show in the city. She (like) _____________ to see the latest work of other artists. Right now she (prepare) _____________ for her own show of her new paintings next month.


A: What book (read/ you) _____________?

B: It’s about Spain. I (think) _____________ you would enjoy it.

A: I (see) _____________ sailing ships on the cover.

B: Yes. It (be) _____________ about Spanish explorations in the 17th century.


A: I (leave) _____________ now. (want, you) _____________ to go with me into town?

B: No, thanks. I can’t. I (wait) _____________ for my sister to call from the airport so that I can pick her up.


I work for an agricultural equipment company called Ballco. Right now, Ballco (try) _____________ to establish business contacts throughout South America. At the present time, our sales manager (travel) _____________ in Brazil and (talk) _____________ to potential customers. He (know) _____________ both Spanish and Portuguese.


A: Does the earth turn around and around?

B: Yes, Jimmy. The earth (spin) _____________ around and around on its axis as it circles the sun. the earth (spin) _____________ rapidly at this very moment.

A: I (feel, not) _____________ anything. (try, you) _____________ to fool me.

B: Of course not! (think, you, really) _____________ that the earth isn’t moving?

A: I guess so. Yes. I can’t see it move. Yes. It isn’t moving.

B: (believe, you) _____________ only those things that you can see? Look at the tress out the window. All of them (grow) _____________ at this very moment, but you can’t see the growth. They (get) _____________ bigger and bigger with every second the passes. You can’t see the trees grow, and you can’t feel the earth spin, but both events (take) _____________ place at this moment while you and I (speak) _____________.

A: Really? How do you know?


A: Look at Della! Where (go, she) _____________ and why (walk, she) _____________ so fast?

B: She (rush) _____________ to a meeting with the company vice-president. Every morning at this time, she (submit) _____________ a report on the previous day’s activities and (present) _____________ the daily recommendation.

A: But I (hear, usually) _____________ the daily recommendations from the president himself at the ten o’clock staff meetings.

B: Every day, the vice-president (rewrite) _____________ Della’s comments and (take) _____________ them to the president. At ten o’clock meeting, the president simply (read) _____________ the same recommendations that Della stayed up working on the night before, and he (act) _____________ like he’s been up for hours contemplating those ideas.

A. Well, I’ll be darned! That (seem, not) _____________ fair!

B: It (be, not) _____________. But that’s the way it works.


1. goes/ likes/ is preparing

2. are you reading/ think/ see/ is

3. am leaving/ do you want/ am waiting

4. is trying/ is travelling/ is talking/ knows

5. B. spins/ is spinning.

A. don’t feel/ are you trying.

B. do you really think

B. do you believe/ are growing/ are getting/ are taking / are speaking

6. A. is she going/ is she walking

B. is rushing/ submits/ presents

A. usually hear

B. rewrites/ takes/ reads/ acts

A. don’t seem

A. is not

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