Tuesday 6 October 2020





EXERCISE 20. Verb tense and irregular verb review. (Chapters 1 and 2)

Directions: Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses. Use the simple past, simple present, or past progressive.

(1) Once upon a time, a king and his three daughters (live) ____ lived ___ in a castle in a faraway land. One day while the king (think) _____ was thinking ____ about his daughters, he (have)_____ had _____ an idea. He (form) ____ formed _____ a plan for finding husbands for them.

(2)When it (come) _____ came ____ time for the three daughters to marry, the king (announce) ____ announced ____ his plan. He said, "I'm going to take three jewels to the fountain in the center of the village. The young men (meet) ____ meet* _____ together there every day. The three young men who find the jewels will become my daughters' husbands."

(3)The next day, the king (choose) __________ three jewels-an emerald, a ruby, and a diamond-and (take) __________ them into the village. He (hold) __________ them in his hand and (walk) __________ among the young men. First he (drop) __________ the emerald, then the ruby, and then the diamond. A handsome man (pick) __________ up the emerald. Then a wealthy prince (spot) the ruby and (bend) __________ down to pick it up. The king (be) __________ very pleased.

(4) But then a frog (hop) __________ toward the diamond and (pick) __________ it up. The frog (bring) __________ the diamond to the king and said, "I (be) __________ the Frog Prince. I (claim) __________ your third daughter as my wife."

(5)When the king (tell) __________ Tina, his third daughter, about the Frog Prince, she (refuse) __________ to marry him. When the people of the land (hear) __________ the news about the frog and the princess, they (laugh) __________ and (laugh) __________. "Have you heard the news?" the people (say) __________ to each other. "Princess Tina is going to marry a frog!"

(6) Tina (feel) __________ terrible. She said, "I (be) __________ the unluckiest person in the world." She (fall) __________ to the floor and (sob) __________. No one (love) __________ her, she (believe) __________. Her father (understand, not) __________ her. She (hide) __________ from her friends and (keep) __________ her pain in her heart. Every day, she (grow) __________ sadder and sadder. Her two sisters (have) __________ grand weddings. Their wedding bells (ring) __________ with joy across the land.

(7) Eventually, Tina (leave) __________ the castle. She (run) __________ away h m her family and (go) __________ to live in the woods by herself. She (eat) __________ simple food, (drink) __________ water from the lake, (cut) __________ her own firewood, (wash) __________ her own clothes, (sweep) __________ the floor herself, (make) __________ her own bed, and (take) __________ care of all her own needs. But she (be) __________ very lonely and unhappy.

(8) One day Tina (go) swimming. The water (be) __________ deep and cold. Tina (swim) __________ for a long time and (become) __________ very tired. While she (swim) __________ back toward the shore, she (lose) __________ the desire to live. She (quit) __________ trying to swim to safety. She(drown) __________ when the frog suddenly (appear) and with all his strength (Push) __________ Tina to the shore. He (save) __________ her life.

(9) "Why (save, you) __________ my life, Frog?"

"Because you (be) __________ very young and you (have) __________ a lot to live for."

"No, I (do, not) __________," said the princess. "I (be) __________ the most miserable person in the whole universe."

(10) "Let's talk about it," (say) __________ the frog. And they (begin) __________ to talk. Tina and the Frog Prince (sit) __________ together for hours and hours. Frog (listen) __________ and (understand) __________. He (tell) __________ her about himself and his own unhappiness and loneliness. They (share) __________ their minds and hearts. Day after day, they (spend) __________ hours with each other. They (talk) __________,(laugh) __________, (play) __________ and (work) together.

(11) One day while they (sit) __________ near the lake, Tina (bend) __________ down and, with great affection, (kiss) __________ the frog on his forehead. Poof! Suddenly the frog (turn) __________ into a man! He (take) __________ Tina in his arms, and said, "You (save) __________ me with your kiss. Outside, I (look) __________ like a frog, but you (see) __________ inside and (find) __________ the real me. Now I (be) __________ free. An evil wizard had turned me into a frog until I found the love of a woman with a truly good heart!' When Tina through outside appearances, she (find) __________ true love.

(12) Tina and the prince (return) __________ to the castle and (get) __________ married. Her two sisters, she discovered, (be) __________ very unhappy. The handsome husband (ignore) __________ his wife and (talk, not) __________ to her. The wealthy husband (make) __________ fun of his wife and (give) __________ her orders all the time. But Tina and her Frog Prince (live) __________ happily ever after.



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